Trials & Tribulations; One Man's Journey to Get a Seat Aboard That Train!

made a June entry

By Paul at 12:27 pm on Saturday, June 30, 2007

HAHA!  yeah well you can say what you will…..  But I have been working 6 days a week….  and sometimes 10 hours per day. John Chow will have you believe I am wasting my time and I should get out of the rat race and do what he does. Well I have only a few things to say about that, one main thing is, if we ALL did what John Chow does….  there would be No John Chow “Internet Mogul”  to speak of. If we all did what he does there would be no home for John to buy or the new car he wants to buy because there would be no one building houses or making cars, there would be no grocery stores for him to go and buy food from, and god forbid no more restaurants for him to go have his $400+ meals at.

We all do what we do, and THAT is what makes the world go round, that is what allows us to have a LIFE! sitting at home on your computer and earning advertisement dollars is a GREAT thing for a few…..  but we need all the rest of us doing our part to make the JOHN CHOWS of this world be able to spend their millions…..  Now don’t get me wrong….  John Chow is actually a personal friend of mine I have nothing against him at all….  I applaud him on his success and what he does (and he does it very well I might add). but we can’t all do it…. or the world as we know it would come to a grinding halt and so would all those millions he enjoys if we “ALL” did what he does.

Need I say more.??  pfft…..

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Canadian Immigration

By Paul at 12:19 pm on Saturday, June 30, 2007

So many times I have thought about this process I am going through to sponsor my wife to Canada, and all that comes to mind is what a HUGE JOKE the Canadian Immigration is…  You have people that deliberately deceive the system and they seem to get rewarded for it and others like my self who go through all the So-Called proper channels and am still waiting for her to receive a letter that says she can now get her visa to come to Canada.

My having to even go though an appeal hearing is a joke too when you look at the “FACTS” of my application and the appeal hearing itself only lasting 20 minutes for them to approve it. Why now has it taken 2 whole months since that decision for my wife’s application to be allowed to proceed, why are we still waiting for a damn letter which can’t take more than 10-15 days to arrive to my wife. once she receives the letter she will need to go through another medical exam and then await yet another who knows how long for them to send her passport back to her with the visa papers.

I see no excuse for it to take as long as it is taking considering all that has happened, starting with the lady that took my wife’s original interview back in January 2006 being apparently fired from her position but when asked about it they say she quit. She (the interviewer) did NOT do her job as she was supposed to instead she pushed her own “Indian” values upon my wife’s case and denied her a visa to come to Canada at the time of the interview.  the Appeal hearing took a whole 20 minutes for the Immigration council and Appeal board member to approve my appeal.  this whole process baffles me to no end.

So what do I think of Canadian Immigration and their procedures..??  Just a HUGE JOKE on burden on the TAX Payers of this country and an even bigger burden on those separated spouses that have to wait years for something that sh0ould take no longer than a month to go through. In fact My wife should have been allowed to come with me back to Canada while this stupid and unnecessary immigration process was completed. Just like the spouse of a visiting partner is allowed to stay in the country had my wife and I been married here in Canada, and she was visiting she would have been allowed to stay with me till this whole process was complete. Instead she and I have now been apart since we married back in Dec 22, 2004 other than the time I spent on visits, it’s just not the same as having her here with me.

Immigration Canada needs to do MORE to avoid keeping “REAL” Marriages from suffering while the FAKE and DELIBERATE ones that cheat the system are allowed to prosper. WHAT A JOKE!!!!

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