Trials & Tribulations; One Man's Journey to Get a Seat Aboard That Train!

I’m a DADDY!!!!!

By Paul at 2:37 pm on Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sorry for the delay in the post..  but life has been not on my side till recently… Yes!!  I AM A DADDY!!

My wife Mira and I welcomed our Daughter Saiya Isha (Sigh-Ahh Eee-sha) Mudhar on Sunday Sept 5th 2010 at 3:56AM weighing 4045 Grams (8lbs 14 3/4oz) by C-Section.. She was 56cm (22 Inches) in length. We delivered at Richmond Hospital.


Was a CRAZY and WONDERFUL!! 4 days and 3 nights… Mira pushed and pushed til she could push no more but not without leaving baby Saiya all stressed out from the contractions and subsequent pushing… Doctors made a call for a C-Section.. With the wonderful technology advancements in medicine a very quick 15-20 minutes later Saiya entered the world.. and I watched it all from when the head was being pulled out.. brought tears to my eyes.. (am tearing up remembering that moment now in fact). Thank you to Richmond General Hospital and all the Birth Center Nurses for a Stressful Stay made very pleasant.. Daddy is doing well.. he had the least amount of sleep in the last 4 days 3 nights there changing Diapers, Swaddling Saiya, helping Mira with latching, so on and so on….. but is ready to do it all over again as soon as Mira is ready for baby #2,3,4,5…… 🙂

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